My photos and texts are published and used worldwide.
My pictures can be found in international picture agencies,
magazines, journals and on countless websites.
Here are a few examples of my work:
Reports & Stories
The Jewels of West Papua - Published in TAUCHEN magazin 09/2023
On the way to the seventh continent - Pubished 10/2023 in TAUCHEN magazine
Cold protection rethought - Mermaid Protector -
Published 09/2023 in TAUCHER REVUE magazine
Butter on bread - Published 08/2014 at
Aerztliches Journal - Travel and Medicine / Awarded the Irish
Tourist Board Audience Award 2014
Some of my Covers
Books and magazine supplements
Malta/Gozo Special supplement UNTERWASSER magazine
and many more...
Publications and photos in magazines and newspapers:
Pictures in Travel- and Outdoorbooks:
Self-penned Outdoor- and Travelbooks:
Pictures in Stock Agencies: